First thing that youll notice is it seems to load twice. The splash screen comes up, flashes then comes up again.
When you press play youre presented with a blank wooden board. No color pegs to choose from. If you press the Mastermind button the game happily tells you youve lost and asks you to try again.
Try again and now you get color pegs to choose from. Hurray! I can play now! The controls are very clunky and hard to hit on an iPhone. You press which spot you want the peg in then press the color. You cant drag them. You can press a spot again to remove a color though if you make an error.
But heres the funny part... Youll never know if you made an error! The game rules state that after you choose your four colors you then hit the check mark button to submit your guess. Its not even on the playfield! There is no check mark button anywhere. I even tried a few times to press where the rules said it was supposed to be. Nada.
I can see the potential here but this is an Alpha build at best! How this got onto the iTunes Store is beyond me.
ClassicGMR about
Mastermind – Classic